Please Read Before Submitting:

  1. Before submitting your tool, please thoroughly search the website to ensure it is not already listed.
  2. Every tool is manually reviewed before being published on the site. Kindly refrain from submitting affiliate links, as they will not be approved. Additionally, we do not click on links or similar ones. Please provide direct URLs only.
  3. Please note that our site focuses solely on curating tools, not newsletters. Therefore, newsletter submissions are not accepted. Please remember to include “https://” before your URL to ensure the review of your site.
  4. Unless otherwise discussed with Matt in advance, we are currently not accepting tools exclusively available on a “waitlist” basis.

We have implemented stricter criteria for tool approvals on our site. Please do not assume that your submission will automatically be approved. Submission does not guarantee listing. We are particularly interested in innovative tools and novel applications of AI. Websites with poor construction, tools that have already been extensively created, new tool aggregators, and websites with spam-like appearances will not be approved.

It is strictly prohibited to employ bots or similar methods to manipulate the upvoting system. We closely monitor and flag websites attempting to exploit the system. Don’t believe it? Sort the list by upvotes and scroll to the bottom to see the tools that have been sandboxed for such attempts. Consider yourself warned.

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